Sunday, April 08, 2007

Johns Hopkins PodMed

This week's podcast topics include: development of drug resistant strains of influenza (JAMA), computer assisted mammography (NEJM), treatment of migraine (JAMA) and autism and autism spectrum disorders (Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine).

Here are the show notes:

0:35 Major drug therapy for influenza
1:10 Rapid genetic rearrangement
2:40 Who to treat
3:20 Computer assisted mammography
4:05 Digitized images
4:42 Computer uses algorhythm
5:55 Management of migraine
7:06 Combination needed early
8:19 Autism
8:50 Autism spectrum disorders
9:27 Two forms of disease
9:53 Genetic component
10:30 Two camps on incidence
11:15 Thimerosol, environmental factors
12:41 End

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