Saturday, August 15, 2009

Mindful Eating Linked to Yoga, Lower Body Mass Index

Newly developed mindful eating survey inversely linked with BMI, positively linked with yoga

15 aug 2009-- A mindful eating questionnaire (MEQ) is a useful and valid measurement of mindful eating, considered nonjudgmental awareness of physical and emotional sensations associated with eating, and is associated with age, body mass index (BMI), and yoga, according to a study in the August issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

Celia Framson, a registered dietitian from the Seattle Children's Hospital, and colleagues developed and validated an MEQ. The MEQ measures five factors, including disinhibition, awareness, external cues, emotional response, and distraction. The MEQ was validated through distribution to 510 individuals, with a response rate of 62 percent.

The researchers found that the mean MEQ score was 2.92±0.37 on a score of one to four (with four indicating a higher mindfulness). The adjusted MEQ mean score was inversely associated with BMI, and was found to be higher for participants with a lower BMI (3.02 for a BMI <25)>30). Individuals who were younger in age had lower mean scores than those individuals who were older. The authors further note that, although exercises such as walking or moderate or intense physical activity were not associated with a higher MEQ score, yoga practice was.

"The MEQ as developed here is a first step in characterizing and measuring mindful eating, and it may be useful both in clinical practice and research to understand and promote healthful dietary behavior," the authors write.

Full Text (subscription or payment may be required)

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